Do students have an area that is just for them?
Yes, our students have their own sixth form building just for them. The sixth form centre is only for students in Year 12 and 13 and features a reception area, meeting room, student kitchen, classrooms, study spaces, computer suites, laptops, toilets, café, social spaces and balcony area.
Can I change my courses after I apply?
Yes, we allow students to change their subject choices up to three weeks after they join as long as they fit in the option blocks. We find that after this time there is just too much knowledge to catch up on. If you would like to change the courses on your application, please speak to a member of our team.
Students can also move from four, to three courses, if they decide to.
What time can students finish for the day?
All students at The Hinckley Sixth Form are issued with an access card so that they can enter and leave independently via the turnstile. Students can leave the site after all their lessons for the day have finished and this varies from student to student depending on their timetable. For example, if you have independent or home study during lessons 4 and 5 then you are free to leave at 12:20 when period 3 ends.
Do students have independence and freedom?
Students at The Hinckley Sixth Form are treated like mature young adults and subsequently are given much more freedom and independence than in Year 11. We are a stepping stone to university and employment, so ensuring our students are ready for the responsibility and additional independence this brings is vital. Our students have flexible study periods and home study time and are given the freedom to utilise their time in the best way for them.
Are teachers A Level experts?
Teaching staff at The Hinckley Sixth Form are experienced subject specialists, many of whom have received national recognition for their work, have PHD’s or received highly regarded awards. With vast experience teaching A Level and BTEC Level 3 courses to students in Year 12 and 13, our teaching team also benefits from working with Year 11 students, this means that unlike a sixth form only college, our staff understand how best to support your transition to post 16 and how to build upon your KS4 knowledge.
Will I be treated as an adult?
From mature course content which will stretch, challenge and excite, to additional opportunities such as studying an EPQ or joining the Diversity and Equalities Board, we treat our students like the young adults they are and offer opportunities and course content to match their maturity as they prepare for their onward destinations.
Do students get good exam results?
Year after year our students achieve at the highest level, securing places at top Russell Group universities and on leading degree apprenticeships. Student destinations speak for themselves and we are proud to say that in 2024 100% of our students secured a positive destination.
How can I start preparing for sixth form study?
Our 'Early Exploration' sheet shares initial research ideas and activities to get you excited about studying your chosen courses at Level 3. This also allows you to get a taste of other subjects if you are considering changing your chosen courses.