About Us
Thank you for taking the time to visit our website. We think you will see for yourself that these are exciting times here at The Hinckley Sixth Form.
With a proud history of serving our local community for over 400 years ago, The Hinckley Sixth Form, formerly John Cleveland Sixth Form Centre; JC6, is built upon a commitment to placing students first and providing them with the highest quality education. Our sixth form is a modern and aspirational learning community which prides itself on securing positive outcomes for all.

Director of Sixth Form

As a highly successful local sixth form with a wide variety of A Level and Level 3 BTEC courses, we offer young people from across our local area outstanding opportunities. Year after year our sixth form students achieve excellent exam results, securing places at Britain’s top universities and on competitive degree apprenticeships. It is our responsibility to provide our students with a stepping stone to success, and we are extremely proud to have a long list of former students who are now studying or have graduated from prestigious universities such as Oxford and Cambridge.
Our partnership with the highly regarded multi academy trust, The Futures Trust, means that The Hinckley Sixth Form has a bright and exciting future. As our students progress through their two years of sixth form study, they will experience high expectations and inspirational teaching, a range of enriching activities beyond the classroom and a learning environment which fosters belonging, independence and aspiration.
Furthermore, our partnership with The Futures Trust brings with it significant investment into our school buildings and facilities, enabling us to create a much improved and truly outstanding learning environment for all.
Working together with The Futures Trust, The Hinckley Sixth Form is building brighter futures for its students, its staff and the community of Hinckley.
We look forward to welcoming you.
Vicky Bull - Director of Sixth Form
Sam Rooke - Headteacher